[quote=newtothis]YWe were called in today (after some particularly bad behavior) and had decided it was time to really advocate for him - last year, we tried to trust the "experts." We were dumbfounded to hear their assessment of him - it was all about behavior, none about ability - and they basically gave him 4 weeks or they'll kick him out. AND, they gave us the name of an "parenting psychologist" that we are essentially required to contact because it is obvious to them that he is "crying out to us to set limits for him." When we asked them to PLEASE try more challenging work, we basically were told that they will "follow the normal course of work for a 4 year old" and that "lessons are planned out far in advance."
You need to read this article in a local parenting magazine. I don't know where you live, but it sounds like your son attends the same Montessori school as this woman's son!

