It definitely sounds like you need to find some other option for your son. This school is not working out. If you do decide to take him out of school I would advise you *not* tell your son that it had anything to do with his behavior one way or the other. Be vague or give him some other reason that will make sense to him.

I have been helping my son recover from a poorly managed early entrance to Kindergarten. He is doing Kindergarten again this year in a different school. Even though the work is very easy for him, he is so happy this year in a class with a teacher who accepts him!

From your description of the situation at your son's school, his teachers are very unhappy with him. They view him as a behavior problem and so, naturally, he fulfills those expectations. My son's teacher last year decided that he was immature and a burden to her. She treated him that way and so he played that role. My reaction was like yours--the description she gave of my son was so different from how he is at home it was shocking. She didn't seem to understand my son at all. It seemed almost like she was willfully misunderstanding him!

Here's an example: One day I came to pick him up at school and she reported to me that he had been misbehaving and "having a tantrum". I asked her to tell me what happened. She said that two other boys were playing with something and DS wanted it and had a tantrum. I turned to my son and asked him what the boys were playing with. He said they were playing with a cord. I said, "A cord?" The teacher said, yes, the computer was unplugged and they were playing with the cord (!?!) pretending it was a snake. My son says, "Mommy, cords are dangerous because they have electricity in them! I tried to tell the boys to stop, but they wouldn't so I told Ms. [teacher]" I told the teacher that my son was upset because he was concerned for the boys' safety. Her response was that I always make excuses for my son's bad behavior, but that other parents discipline their kids.

Anyway, I didn't mean for this to turn into a thread about my family, I just want you to know that I think I understand what you're going through!
