Do be warned that in the future, timed tests for things like his multiplication tables will be a hassle for you. DS7 hates them. He can get pretty stressed out over such things. He actually works faster without a clock on him because he gets panicky and simply can't think if he knows he's being timed. Just be prepared...You may have to find creative ways to deal with math facts literacy, and it may take longer to get there. The normal routes don't work very well for a kid like this.

The funny thing is, that he has no problems with memorization. He pretty much has a photographic memory...especially with math. His math is what he's accelerated in the most. But to get him to write a paragraph....grrrrr! It's like pulling teeth. But yet on the WISC and the WJ-III, his verbal scores were his highest. Maybe that doesn't translate over into writing. When he's trying to write a story/paragraph he says "I have too many ideas in my head at one time, and it's too hard to sort them out." And I can see his frustration with that frown