Originally Posted by Jool
I'm scattered and disorganized in an adhd-like way but I like to think of these as quirks, not impairments. But that doesn't mean that I can't try to work on things that annoy my DH at times... wink

It's scary to think of the diagnosis that could easily be slapped on me. eek

I think you hit smack-dab on what I was talking around, Jool. Thanks for that! smile

I don't like the idea that because my son has a "quirk," he could be diagnosed with something. I get the sense (perhaps wrongly!) that RJH doesn't necessarily like that either.

Not everything different from the norm is bad. Sometimes different is a strength! And even if it is a weakness, it doesn't necessarily require a label and a diagnosis. It may just require a bit of behavior modification, as you're doing for your DH's sake.

I know I'm preaching to the choir about that, but still...
