Well, I just got home from a meeting with her teacher. By the way, my assumption was correct-it is her first year teaching!
She informed me that my daughter is in the highest division of her class (apparently the class is separated into 4 divisions based on "intellect"). She also said my DD5 is extremely good at math. I told her that she needs to be challenged more in order to calm her "acting out" and I was assured that beginning next semester the curriculum will be more challenging (yeah, right).
She also said that my DD5 has an almost explosive rage that comes out and is directed to the other kids. I tried to explain that this is how GT's react towards peers who are not at their same level, but my MIL was there and I have to be careful about using the "GT" word in her presence.
Her school has a program for GT students starting in 3rd grade! So what do I do in the mean time? This school has a policy that they do not skip grades and they promote "grouping students", which means students of all levels in the same classroom in order to benefit the "less smart" (trying to be politically correct) children. But this is damaging the high intelligence children. I am at a loss as to how I am going to be able to convince them about her unique needs. It seems like I would be better off pulling her out and home schooling. But, if I do that I am going to have another equally irritating issue: resistance from the mother-in-law.
I picked up some special education pamphlets on the way out and I plan on calling them for any advice/leads. I also plan on calling a meeting with my husband, the principal, school counselor, and a special education teacher. Do you think this will help? Thanks!