Hi AMS's mom,

I agree with SPG that you should look up what your state defines as far as IDing and services.

If you can't compel the school to i.d., you may want to pay for a private evaluation with a child psychologist that specializes in testing for gifted.

I've been advocating for my kids for a couple of years now. Their services don't start until 3rd grade either. On this board, most of us will agree that the behavior is a result of being understimulated, but you won't get very far with the school if you simply say she's acting out because she is bored.

Kindergarten is a rough year for some GT kids. If you are going to advocate at school, my suggestion would be to slow down and figure out what you want accomplished.

Use this forum as a sounding board to figure out how you want to present the situation before you go in. There is nothing more personal to you than your child's welfare. However, when you meet with the school, it's a "business" meeting to them. They have tons of then during the week. That's not meant to minimize the importance of what's happening to your child, just know what you are getting into before you walk in the door.

You might not get too far if you call a "power meeting" and you don't have anything tangible to present, like IQ or achievement testing results.