Originally Posted by AmyEJ

If your son's scores qualify him for DYS then that means he's probably testing at least 3 grades ahead in achievment (likely much more, right?). That would be like asking an average 5th grader to accept being in a 2nd grade math or reading class. I don't understand how a school can ignore that or think that's ok, though I know that they do. You couldn't satisfy a 5th grader in a 2nd grade class by giving a few extra projects.

I think it depends on the kid and the teacher. My DS6 (DYS) has a second grade teacher who is very big on creative writing (e.g., making illustrated books, keeping a journal, etc.) -- Unlike other subjects, there is no limit on the challenge-level of creative writing - kids can stretch themselves as far as they want to go as long as the teacher encourages it. *I* would probably benefit from being in that class for the writing part grin Now with reading, the material is way under his level, but he's still learning the content (e.g., the reading materials are now discussing different world cultures). OTOH, he is woefully underchallenged in math (working on that...). So even with only 1 grade skip, he really only needs more math challenge to be engaged in his learning. If he could be pulled out for online learning or tutoring, I'd be pretty happy with how the year is going...