Thanks for your responses!

Katelyn's Mom: My son's scores are high enough to get into the Young Scholars Program and I just sent his application in today (thus setting myself up for a very long wait). I don't know if he'll get in or what kind of help they will offer if he does, but here's to hoping! Oh, and thanks for the link.

Kriston: The gifted school offers a half scholarship, which brings tuition down in to the mid $7000.00 range - still hugely expensive for me. As far as leaving the principal out of it, she seems to be very much a micro-manager. My son's teacher has answered my questions before with, "Well, don't tell (principal) I said this, but..." To be honest, all of the teachers seem to be afraid of her and I don't know if I can disagree with her without having to remove ds from the school - which, despite this, is supposed to be "the best in the district."

I honestly don't know what to do right now.