Hi Squirt! You've brought me back to posting. You know I've been hiding in my lurking shell but I couldn't let your post go without chiming in.

I've told you this before but I must say it again: I am so very sorry about how the school is handling Pud. I hear your disappointment and frustration. Hugs are coming your way from me.

You've mentioned in the past some of your reservations about the University Model Schools in your area, and I have those same concerns too. But would that be an option for some of the more elective-type classes (art, music, etc.) and then you could do more substantive work at home? For instance, my main concern about our local UMS school is the way they teach science (strict creationism) but I may be willing to let DD go for a few other classes. Maybe just sending Pud for art or music or PE would give the two of you enough space during the week and provide him with some of the things your DH wants him to have. Those classes probably wouldn't start as early in the morning so you'd no longer have those battles at the crack of dawn. I know that you have probably thought about this, but it may have been back before your experience with the school this year. As you know, I'm one step closer to homeschooling every day, and it's funny how that changes my perspective about "options" that I may have dismissed last spring.

Kriston's comments about behavior improving sound right on, and I think you've seen that a bit too (fall break). Don't discount the improvements as mere coincidence; I'll bet it's related to school.

I feel your pain, sister-friend, and Pud's too. I hope the other school that you are visiting today can offer Pud something, or perhaps at least help you make up your mind that for right now, there's not a school situation that's going to give him what he needs.

Last edited by AmyEJ; 10/16/08 10:01 AM. Reason: I need spell check!