Thanks, all. I wish we could do partial homeschooling but it's not allowed in Texas. I also wish, LMom, that I could find something like you've got for the fun stuff.

I'm not sure why DH is so opposed to HSing. Part of it is that Pud's behavior has been bad and it stresses me out so much. He's tired of coming home and finding one of us screaming at the other (I know, I shouldn't scream). I'll have to talk to him about it again. If I could find a good school fit, I'd prefer that to HS, to be honest, because I need my time. I think, though, that it's probably the only way to go for a while. I just haven't figured out how to make it work.

I don't know what would convince him. It might just take me doing it and seeing how it works. I need to have my ducks in a row, though, before I just yank Pud out of school.

I'm rambling and it's late so I'll end. I just wanted to thank you for responding and caring. I've got a lot of thinking to do and then I just need to make a decision.