Originally Posted by Trinity
I noticed a lot or new names that have joined recently. What Gifted Issues are you facing? How did you find this forum? What do you want to hear more about?


I'm Jen. Live in Texas. Writer and SAHM. My daughter, 8 (Nov.) qualified for GT at 7 yrs using acheievement tests (COGAT) and ITBS (Iowa I think it is). My son, 5 (6 in July) qualified for GT at 5 yrs 5 months taking the exact same tests as his older sister. These tests do not give us IQ and we haven't done further testing, yet. [We REALLY try not to compare but its been really difficult with basically no peers at their school; the closest one is a girl with significant socialization issues (possible Aspher's).]

One year after qualifying for GT, my DD was diagnosed as dyslexic, though my research says it's dyspraxia. She can read at 6th grade level, comprehend at 9th grade, but can't write or spell above 1st grade. The classroom teacher, language tester were both floored at her tests: "We've never seen anyone like this and honestly, aren't quite sure how to handle it."

My son has only been in school 180 days in his short lifetime and we'd been dreading those days since he was 8 months. You know how you can just tell their personality, especially the strong ones? He was 1 yr and the family saying was, "he's so intelligent and so charming, he'll either be a great leader or leader of a cult. *Use your powers for good, Luke* Hee Hee

We knew DS had mastered all "required" K material before stepping in the school but fear of being labeled "pushy" held us back. Then finally when the GT teacher tested him people believed us. She sat there glowing about him: "He did this thing; I've never had a student do this at any age. He'd explain to me each and every step as he was answering the question and WHY he was answering it that way. It was exhausting. I'm not sure what to do with him, as we've never had a Kindergartener qualify before."

Can you see our common issue between two VERY different children? The school has verbally admitting WE DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH THEM. So, I'm spending my summer researching so I can TELL THEM WHAT TO DO with my children. Sorry, I just have NO ONE to talk to about my concerns; even another GT parent has told me: "You only want to test him more so you/your husband can brag about how smart he is. WE focus on teaching our daughter to be a good, kind person" (implying that we don't)

And THIS is someone I trusted with my most private frustrations (how he started having toilet accidents mid-year b/c he was so upset, bored, whatever in K); how he's smarter than me and weaves his way around my rules until I'm dizzy, how much guilt I feel everytime I waste an afternoon letting them both veg on TV.

Look forward to reading, sharing, and hoping for good things with you all.

JR.I'm neither especially clever nor especially gifted. I'm only very, very curious.-Einstein