Hi Frostcry.
I wanted to chime in as an Occupational Therapist about the teacher wanting Cooper tested by Early Intervention services. I would AVOID this as the team who would do that testing is trained to find pathology in young children. Technically EI services are only until the age of 3 anyway. So you'd be looking at testing through the public school system. I would strongly encourage any testing be done privately FIRST, by the psychologist of the parents' choice, who specializes in assessing gifted children.

While Cooper might in fact have some issues that could be addressed to help his overall function and social skills, there may actually be nothing "wrong" with him at all - he is just gifted and perhaps profoundly so. He needs to be assessed by people who truly understand gifted children. And you are not likely to find that in the public school system or EI system of testing. In my opinion, anyway!