
You're not being too hard on me! I don't take your comments personally--in fact it's relieving to discuss these issues with someone. My best friend has a son the same age as DS, but she is considering holding her son out for a year because he is not ready for K. It feels very awkward to discuss this with her.

I know what you mean about pulling him out having negative side effects. I would really only do that as a last resort (i.e. leaving him in would be MORE damaging.)

There's more to the equation though. This is a very crowded district. If DS doesn't attend K next year, he will lose his priority and could be overloaded to a different school. This is a totally inhumane process practiced by our district where the "extra" kids are bounced around from school to school every two weeks until all the classes are absolutely full. It's more "efficient" that way you see, because they don't have to pay any teachers to teach classes that are only partly full.

Maybe we just need to move frown