I definately think it's what works for you.

We were initially a reluctant homeschooling family. We tried for 4 years to get the public school to work with my oldest daughter to no avail. The administration just isn't willing. Things were to a point that she was spending so much time doing "school" at home I began to wonder about the point in sending her, we toughed it out. Then my next oldest started having problems, she would be starting K. We started her and her twin on a computer based curriculum just to give her extra to interest her and she proceeded to finish K over the summer.

By then my oldest was begging to be homeschooled, she is twice exceptional and with the school doing nothing we decided to try it. I now homeschool my three oldest, my fourth child attends Early Childhood five mornings a week for speech therapy and I have a nine month old at home. For us homeschooling has allowed all of my children to work at their pace, in ways that work for them. Some do better on the computer, my youngest is a very artistic hands on learner. Now they can each be given the tools they need as individuals, rather than by their "grade".

I really love the book Genius Denied and recommend it to everyone with gifted children. It has many suggestions for all types of education. It really depends on your situation and your children. Best wishes in making your decision and feel free to ask questions.

EPGY OE Volunteer Group Leader