Originally Posted by incogneato
Both girls love their school and want to be there, so we respect that. Additionally, I am afraid to totally cut the cord, so to speak. Yes, I realize I am extremely lame in this regard.

I don't see this as lame in the slightest! Why rush into any decision? There will never be a final perfect answer - so use the building blocks at your disposal.

I'm working 8-5, and while I know that homeschooling can be done on evenings and weekends, I don't think I would have the stamina for it...but if a homeschool coop opened nearby, I think I would jump if I thought the folks 'got' my kid.

Online high school is always in the back of my mind...but for now, things seem to be working, so I'm grateful.

I don't really think that a debate HS v. Bricks and mortar School really fits for gifted families - I think it's more "try everything and see what combination of things work" yes?

If I get a learning environment that fits well for a whole year - I'm happy! I've had that twice, and never had more than that. I told DS12 to enjoy being the 8th grade big shot now, because although I'd love him to have the experience of being a high school senior someday, I wouldn't bet on it.

((shrugs)) and More ((shrugs))


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