It's true... no one can answer it but the individual family.

We are sort of have a delicate pickle with DS7.

We can't afford a private school, that coupled with the fact that there are no gifted private schools in Upstate NY. So it's really out of the question.

His current public school is doing things that are pretty remarkable compared to other public schools. But it's still not enough.

He was skipped into 3rd this year.(He was in 1st last year) He said to me this morning, "...I mean whats the point? I went from first to third. I was supposed to go to second. What's the point if the work is the same. If I am going to be board, can't I do it in second?"

I replied, "I don't know how to answer that, other then to tell you that all the kids that you were friends with no longer go to the school, so even if you went back to second, it would be different kids. And the work would be boring."

He said,"It's boring in 3rd, there is just more of it."

So homeschooling is on my mind. But how could I do that and afford it?