Originally Posted by ienjoysoup
ok... I know I didn't say what I think cause I don't know, it is a giant undertaking...... But his school is far from cutting the mustard. They are doing the best they can... but it's not enough.

We lost power thanks to Ike frown , but I'm chiming in late to ask you, ienjoysoup, would it help to talk through the pros and cons of your options? That always helps me to figure out what direction I should be heading.

Think very pragmatically: what is working now and what isn't? Not just for your child, but for you, too. I still miss the freedom I felt when I put my child on the school bus and waved goodbye for the day! That worked for me. But he is a lot more independent now, so that particular con is not as big a deal as it was last year. Sometimes cons turn out to be pros with a little time allowed for adjustment. But still, if it's going to make life harder for you, write it down. You have to put the oxygen mask on yourself first, before you assist anyone else!

Also, are there other options you might be overlooking--like 'Neato's partial homeschooling option or a private school? Don't be afraid to make your own path.

I won't ramble on, but I'm happy to help if you want to talk specifics. I can offer websites to help you consider what sort of homeschooling might work best for you, since that can change how you view HSing ENTIRELY. I could never be a school-at-home type, but an eclectic, loose-unit study approach suits us fabulously and is very comfortable.

Honestly, I suspect you're really not asking what WE'RE doing; you're really trying to figure out what YOU'RE thinking and why! I'll be happy to ask questions if that helps you muddle through it all. smile
