Let the chicken dance begin!

I took DS8 up to the Jr. High yesterday after school to meet the 7th grade science teacher and to see the classroom. I was absolutely terrified by the whole thing. DS was like a kid on Christmas morning... filled with pure joy. I have one of those mom-memories that I know will be burned into my brain for all eternity... an image of tiny little DS skipping down a hallway that looks completely out of proportion to him... lockers that are hugh, water fountains that seem to tower over him... and he was completely oblivious to it all. Just pure joy and happiness.

Today he went over for an actual class. I meet him outside at the end of the day and he was positively glowing. He talked excitedly about all of the science they had discussed during the hour. His lab partner was a girl that had been his 5th grade buddy when he was in first grade!! LOL!! And he came home with clear, readable notes and happily worked on his homework this evening.

Tomorrow is his first official day. I haven't heard from the teacher about how the class went today, so I am still holding my breath a bit. But from DS's point of view, it is completely awesome!

Mom to DS12 and DD3