I posed that very question to the acceleration committee, Kriston. They all agreed that 6th grade science was an option, if we wanted it. It think that they felt that 6th grade science would not fit his ability though. I went into the meeting thinking that they were going to offer 5th grade science, and so I studied up on the course curriculum for 4th, 5th, and 6th. All of it was material that was very basic for him. I even went all the way up to 9th grade science before I could find any material that he had not already mastered. He came home from the WJ III testing talking about moles and what they measure in chemistry, so he had to make it up that high on the testing. He nearly passed a college level physics course that was a conceptual based physics class (very little math) while in 2nd grade, and he routinely picks up my college level chemistry book and reads it for fun. He can chat happily about covalent bonding and the electron orbital shell model. He can read any adult science material that we have laying around... i.e. Scientific American magazine or Discovery magazine.

I think the acceleration committee thought that 7th grade would be as far up as the could comfortably place him due to writing and social issues. It was about half way up to where they thought his science ability was.

So I am toying with putting him in 6th, to avoid the issues surrounding Jr. High. But if you are going to jump them up 2 grades, you might as well go up 3 if it is a better fit with the material. Am I crazy to think that?

BTW, we asked DS what he wanted to do with the acceleration. He was all for it. His eyes got kind of big when we said that the school had agreed to let him go up to 7th. (we had asked him about going up to 5th before the meeting.) But even with my explanations about 7th grade might have more homework and a lot more writing (which he is not too fond of), he was very excited. We asked if he wanted to go up to visit the classroom and the teacher to check it out. He said that there was no need... he was just ready to go!

Mom to DS12 and DD3