As science is his greatest area of academic interest and intensity, I am certain that my son would have loved the strong 7th grade science class at his previous school at age 8. The teacher there is a true science guy and was known to be demanding, but if he didn�t penalize too harshly for spelling errors on tests, I think ds would have done really well! He really would have loved it and if given the chance, we would have subject accelerated him to that level in a heartbeat! I think you should give it a try.

My only concern is if your ds doesn�t receive math acceleration commensurate to the science instruction, will he be eligible for continued science acceleration into high school level classes? According to some books and articles that I have recently read, math acceleration is a required accompaniment or possibly a prerequisite for rigorous high school science courses.

Could you request a math evaluation by a middle school or high school teacher to determine his eligibility for math acceleration too?