Originally Posted by aeh
Incidentally, any idea why they did testing "in preparation for" a comprehensive reeval a year away? I assume they gave the KTEA-Brief to reduce validity concerns with re-testing in the spring (although technically, the minimum retest interval for achievement testing is six months). The achievement testing given on the -Brief is, as I mentioned, essentially the same as what you might see on a comprehensive eval. That's a lot of testing for a non-eval year.

You know, I don't know. And they are not very forthcoming with information. But I do know they do the KTEA Brief every three years, I think, maybe two, I can't remember, "for all their kids with ieps." I think I was once told that it was so they (the school) could make sure the student is progressing. So maybe its a situation where they want to make sure ahead of time where the kid is? I just do not know . I will try to ask at the next meeting.