No. They probably just don't realize that the KTEA-Brief is identical to the KTEA-3 Form B. I'm guessing they've never had to submit documentation, which is probably good, in this case.

From the publisher's website:

"Standard scores from the KTEA-3 Brief may be used interchangeably with the subtest and composite standard scores from the Comprehensive Form."

"The KTEA-3 Brief subtests are identical to the core subtests from Comprehensive Form B. This spares examiners the time of readministering subtests during a comprehensive evaluation. Customers who own the Brief and Form A can alternate the two, reducing the likelihood that changes in the examinee's performance are due to familiarity with the item content."

But if he's going to have a comprehensive eval in the spring, with a complete battery, that will take care of the documentation well in advance of relevant College Board testing.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...