Good questions, Neato. I don't really have good answers.

In previous years, he has told me that it has to be exactly as written, but there have been no actual consequences for not doing it. So I don't really know what was said. He never got nervous before this year.

This is the first year where he has said that it is part of the grade and that has him nervous. I am hoping that the small amount of anxiety it is causing him might actually make this a teachable moment, a chance for him to try new approaches (like summarizing if they let him or copying without looking down!). Maybe he has matured to the point where it isn't as hard as before. I do want him to try!

We do not have any formal diagnosis, but I suspect there might be some physical or learning issue. He is a really good kid who tries to do whatever is asked of him. But he doesn't just roll over and play dead if there is a problem. He is really good at negotiating whatever he needs from the teachers without involving me. So when he comes home saying that he is having trouble with something, I tend to take it seriously. But I just have my mom-instint and not an actual diagnosis.