Originally Posted by Bostonian
One difference between old and current math textbooks is that the older books would have one-page biographies of great mathematicians, such as Newton, Gauss, and Euler. Highlighting too many Dead White Men is now politically incorrect.

If you want your children to know about famous mathematicians and scientists, you will need to provide your own materials.

Well...restricting biographies to dead white guys would be a gross misrepresentation of the history of mathematics --- which, of course, is the point of this thread.

Various Wikipedia pages list dozens of eminent mathematicians from Egypt, China, India, Persia, Mexico (Maya, etc.), and so on.

IMO, if math books don't have those biographies these days, it's because they're "too boring," not because they'd have to be populated by dead white guys (and a few dead white chicks).

But you have fed nicely into the point of the ignorant person who I quoted above.