Originally Posted by Val
This is going OT, but seriously, when ignorant types like this woman are taken seriously at major universities (she's a professor at like the University of Illinois) and when Silicon Valley types tell us that don't need to learn stuff because we can just do a web search, I swear that there's movement going to turn us into those grotesque lawnchair denizens from Wall E. Someday, we'll spend our days consuming tera-jumbo Slurpees and watching videos.

And worst of all, the people leading the movement don't even know they're doing that.

Don't worry.

There's a standard-issue feedback loop that fixes this problem.

Eventually, we run out of spare energy/educated population capacity to actually extend the stupid any further, or even sustain the stupid at a steady state.

Granted, this results in a severe catastrophic negative outcome for everyone depending on the continuation of the stupid.

But, it definitely solves the problem.