Originally Posted by indigo
To help your child draw Skye from paw patrol (and other things) you may want to help her break down the image into its constituent parts.

One way is to use graph paper or draw a grid, to help isolate the different parts and examine their spacing and relationship to each other.

The out-of-print but still available American Girl book "Doodle Studio" shows a step-by-step method of drawing/doodling.

Possibly more advanced, the book "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" uses a method of turning an image upside-down to analyze the various components to copy/draw.

Over time, posters have mentioned several art and drawing books which their children have enjoyed. Using the forum's search feature may help locate those.

Indigo beat me to it! Try giving her a line drawing to copy, turning it upside down, and covering up enough that she's not thinking about what it is she is drawing, but the contours of the lines. Encourage her to NOT talk or sing during the process because verbal communication inhibits the type of thinking needed for drawing. Remind her that drawing is not in the hand (assuming one has fine motor control and hand-eye coordination). Drawing is a brain skill, learning how to interpret what we see and decode it. It's learning how to get around the brain's shorthand and visual problem solving. "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" is a fascinating book, I highly recommend it. Reading level is high school to adult, but the activities are accessible to children. I used some with my son when he was 6. The before and after samples in the beginning part are pretty amazing!