To help your child draw Skye from paw patrol (and other things) you may want to help her break down the image into its constituent parts.

One way is to use graph paper or draw a grid, to help isolate the different parts and examine their spacing and relationship to each other.

The out-of-print but still available American Girl book "Doodle Studio" shows a step-by-step method of drawing/doodling.

Possibly more advanced, the book "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" uses a method of turning an image upside-down to analyze the various components to copy/draw.

Over time, posters have mentioned several art and drawing books which their children have enjoyed. Using the forum's search feature may help locate those.

I searched a bit... here is a brief roundup of a few drawing-related threads which may be of interest:
- drawing books (Dec 2014)
- Ultimate Art Thread (Oct 2013)
- Artistic Creativity in your gifted child (July 2013)
- Drawings as a sign of giftedness? (Feb 2016)
- Nurturing the artistic child (Jan 2013)
- The "Draw a person" test (Feb 2016)
- Q for parents of artists (July 2012)
- Teaching art (July 2012)