Sorry to double post, reading through some of the thread about skipping K (I know we are talking about early K here), given d's personality so far, I don't think early K would be the best bet. She loves to learn, but not so much sit at a desk. She's not as much a fan of work books or even coloring books. I think she would enjoy things like circle time and kids songs and rhymes. I think I'd like to give her more time of "being a kid." Since she does pretty decent socially (I wasn't obviously asynchronous in my development either. Although in high school once I started applying myself in ways stated before, I was more socially awkward). That said, she isn't very asynchronous and gets along with kids her age but is also drawn to older kids at my mommy club.

If she is asynchronous I think it is more in having age appropriate development where she desires more. She loves crafts and drawing, but she recently boycotted drawing for a bit because she couldn't make her drawing look the way she wanted. She was trying to draw Skye from paw patrol but drew her as a circle and it frustrated her to the point of not drawing for a unless that counts? But she isn't really asynchronous as far as being BEHIND the curve on stuff?

I think I'd be more open to a skip down the road. I want her to be challenged, but I also don't want her to lose her love of learning and I don't know if she is ready for desk work learning?