Originally Posted by Jbell281
Did you request IQ testing for your children?

Do you need an IQ test? Some school districts use standardized testing for gifted programs. Starting middle school, my district automatically subject accelerates the top 10th percentile of students, and students in the top 10 percent in 2 subjects can get into the advanced STELM classes.

I went ahead and had private neuropsychology done, but the neuropsychologist was anti-grade skipping and wrote it into his report that my son should not be grade skipped. That was really bad for my son! I switched him to our district's virtual charter school that does continuous progress acceleration for every student and they didn't require any testing to subject accelerate 2 - 3 grades when he enrolled.

IQ testing didn't help me get my son any academic benefits because my district's policies are not set up using IQ testing as criteria for advancement. However, IQ testing did identify my son has ADHD, so it was immensely valuable.

I was attending gifted education seminars and participating in forums before his IQ tests. If the shoe fits, wear it. Parents are better at identifying academically advanced children than teachers are. Trust yourself and keep learning with an open mind.