I tried to reply earlier but I guess I messed it up.

Thank you for all the thoughtful replies!

Sanne- Ordered Dr. Greene's book and have been watching the videos on his site all morning. THANK YOU!

Indigo- We did some of the things on your list, but didn't think about documenting. Man, what a good idea.

SarahMarie- I do think this was some of it. My son is large and strong and really likes other people. Once he was trying to play with a little girl but she did not want to play with him. They never touched each other at any point. On the way home he told us he "hurt the gal." He seems to see any negative interaction as being his fault and to involve him "hurting" another person. He definitely picked that up at preschool.

I would have thought that having a smart child would mean that you could reason with him, but at least for MY child, he usually looks at me like I'm an idiot when I try to explain things.