Thank you for you guys' thoughtful replies! I have "The Explosive Child" ordered and that site bookmarked!

Indigo- Thank you. We have been doing some of that and did have a meeting, but we have not been documenting. That is a really good point.

I think most of the people in my family are strong willed like this, so it was kind of a shock to me when I saw other little kids just walking along doing what they were told with no problem. I feel like what I see as normal development "for us" is not in the scope of the world and and I don't know what do to in a class or group environment when he's expected to do things that I don't think he's capable of (behave, obey, sit still).

I also honestly do not tell anyone that he is even bright, let alone gifted, because they never believe me. For example, our dentist tried to have a conversation with him and he just stared back at him in return. Our dentist told me privately that maybe I should take him to "see" someone because children who are almost three should be able to talk. He CAN talk, he just chose not to talk to our dentist.