This is my first post! Any help or guidance would be much appreciated!

I have an almost 3 year old who I believe is gifted. He started speaking at 2 1/2 months old- in short sentences at 4 months. He taught himself 1/2 to 2/3 of the alphabet right before he turned two. Now he seems be interested in internal organs and engines. I believe he is also trying to teach himself how to read. He has very little patience for letting me teach him, although he may be able to spell his name now. He gets bored quickly. I'm here at home with him all day. He goes through many 10 different activities a day.

I think he also fits into this category I've just learned about called "spirited child"? He's very strong willed, sensitive, active. He's also unusually large and strong.

He acts alright at home, but we have had to take him out of preschool and one of his extracurricular activities because he kept throwing fits. Willful, emotional fits because he didn't want to do what he was told for whatever reason. In the instance with the preschool, he told us that they were hitting and pinching him, I think to try to control him. My husband and I are worried about what will happen when he needs to go to real school.

We're just trying our best as we go along. We don't know of any other kids who are like this. Has anyone else "been here" and have any advice?