Thank you so much for your reply! Yes, I definitely agree that they're expecting a lot in terms of sitting and working. The teachers seem to be aware of it as well, but they still kinda have to get them through it.

His little brain definitely gets distracted easily. For example, when they visited the pumpkin patch I watched as all the other kids were looking right at the volunteer who was talking about the parts of the pumpkin. My kid was looking up at the ceiling at the spikes on the rafters they use to keep the pigeons away. He can distract himself with fluff on the carpet, random thoughts about cars or Pokemon, you name. it.

The whole figuring out if he's intentionally trying to get away with things versus not being able to control himself is what I'm having the most difficult time with, ha. The teacher has been trying to accommodate him quite a bit and I'm worried it's making him feel like he can get away with things.

And yes, I do think a bit more challenge might be good. For example, he'd much much rather practice his handwriting filling in the missing letters in a little word puzzle or doing math problems than just write the same thing repeatedly. I think they'll be differentiating things more and more as the year goes on, so maybe things will smooth themselves out.

Thank you so much again for your input, it's a lot of great stuff to think about!