I am probably paraphrasing what she says in a more unprofessional manner although we've gotten a bit more 'friendly' since I'm the room mom this year. I don't really feel like she's being unreasonable. I think if he doesn't improve that would be further evidence that ADHD is in play. Also, if he keeps getting up and not listening she said the next step is maybe a conference with us and then a behavior plan of some sort (I have no idea what that means). Honestly, I think she's trying to be patient with him (maybe a bit too patient - he was supposed to miss 'Fun Friday' this week but ended up getting to do it anyways and he definitely notices that he's 'getting away with something').

She also doesn't seem to be super concerned about his handwriting, and has suggested that we have him play play dough often to strengthen is hands and things like that. It concerns me more because I know that he has noticed that he can't do it as quickly as the other kids and he's gotten very frustrated with it in the past. At the same time, he doesn't want to practice it much and often wants to try out variations of ways to write letters rather than practicing the same way multiple times so he gets a 'rhythm'.

I think what she would like (although she hasn't explicitly said this) and what I would like as well is for him to be able to do a task he's asked to do without wandering around, getting distracted by small objects or random questions, or talking to his friends. I honestly didn't think that was a realistic thing to ask kids his age to do, but now I see a whole room full of them that are able to do it! I'm worried that his behavior is going to prevent him from being able to do the GT type stuff that he would actually find fun and enriching but I don't know how to help him get on track. I'm also not sure how to tell if he's just goofing around for fun and because he's kinda bored or if he's genuinely having trouble focusing.

Edited to add: I also find it interesting how often they leave the room. It's usually to step out and make a quick copy at the copy machine or to explain a task to a parent volunteer, or something like that. When I was visiting one day she did take quite a while to explain some things to me and during that time my son chose to empty his chair pocket and then run around with it on his head. Sigh. I think the other kids also talk and wiggle a bit when the teacher leaves the room but my son seems to take it too far and can't pull it back together.

Last edited by readermom123; 11/05/16 07:31 AM.