I think the course of action will depend on your family and what you're comfortable doing.

Some families with similar concerns go to their pediatrician and ask that their child be evaluated for ADHD.

Some go to a specialist.

Some go to an occupational therapist to address the handwriting and hope they can help with other aspects too.

Some might instead try a change in diet, sleep, screen time or exercise.

Some might try a change in discipline strategy.

Combos of these and others and just waiting to see what happens are all possibilities.

If I were you, I'd make sure diet, sleep, exercise, and screen time are all appropriate for his age. I'd maybe even consider going high on exercise and low on screen time. I'd also consider the discipline angle. It sounds like some of what he's doing was up until recently within the bounds of okay behavior based on your expectations.

If you're confident these parts are addressed, then decide whether you want to wait and see or get him help from some type of professional.

Keep in mind that an appointment with a twice exceptional specialist could take months (my son's booked 11 months out) so you could make an appointment and try other strategies while you wait.