Hi there -- I am relatively new here but thought I would just add my two cents. My DS5 is about to start grade 1, and I have similar concerns about him being "friendless" during the school year. We had him assessed by an OT this past spring and it turns out that his motor skills fall into the category of developmental coordination disorder. He is not the worst case but if you watch him for long enough you will see where he struggles.

One of the things our OT suggested that I do next year is to ask for the phys ed curriculum a week or two in advance so that I can work on some of the upcoming skills alone with DS before the whole class works on them in class. The hope is that the little extra help up-front will give him a bit of a boost in his confidence and skills in order to enable him to participate fully in class. One of the questions the OT asked during the assessment was for him to name some things that he found difficult at school and one of his answers was "finding friends to play with". This broke my heart!! He is an only child and an introvert to boot, so he is used to playing by himself. Obviously, though, it was becoming clear to him even at this young age that making friends on the playground is pretty tough. Other kids don't have the same interests as he does and, to make matters worse, he struggles a bit to keep up physically.

I was so interested to see polarbear's suggestions to the OP on this thread. I am really hoping that working with DS5 one-on-one to come up with strategies for playing certain sports is going to help him not only in gym but also on the playground.

I have no illusions about my son turning in a sporting star but I want him to be able to enjoy being active for the physical and social benefits that can bring.

Good luck to your DS. I find the "no friend" situation to be particularly heartbreaking for these young souls.

Last edited by HJA; 08/24/16 02:43 PM.