How are his social skills? Is he able to approach other kids with some success? When DS6 started having this same problem, it was suggested to us that we could do role playing with him to practice. He may not realize yet that others aren't interested in science. Maybe he could try to identify if someone is doing something he might be interested in, and ask questions about it or ask if he can join.

Also, we remind DS6 often that not all kids will share his exact interests but that maybe they can still find stuff in common. For instance, does he enjoy Lego? Or Minecraft? Or if his main interests are science and nature, maybe he could consider presenting it as adventure and exploration to some other kids? They might be more interested in the same things if slightly adjusted? Is he interested in rock-climbing? Canoeing? Karate? Those can seem pretty cool to kids who know nothing about them.

It would be terrific if he could find another gifted child, whether at school or in your neighborhood. DS6 is becoming friends with another gifted boy in his daycare, and we're really excited about it. They haven't delved into deeper subjects yet, but I can tell that they're both feeling each other out in this respect.

I've even considered asking the school if they could be placed in the same class so that they could do their differentiated work together. I wonder if that's something schools consider. I guess we'll never know if we don't ask!

Good luck!