I have a child who was an early reader and I suppose her decoding skills were above her comprehension. By her third birthday, she was able to decode anything put in front of her but she couldn't possibly have understood something like War and Peace. These days, with guidance, she might but not when she was 3.

She also has precocious abilities in music and math. I think this means she is very good at recognizing and learning patterns.

She is not on spectrum but she had interesting processing issues up to age 4 and she is still fearful of loud roaring sounds. She did lining up objects things too when she was two and loved toys that had wheels. So, yes, she had ASDish traits but has now grown out of them.

Her development has been uneven if not unpredictable but she is who she is and I never thought her early reading was a sign of disability. She read with expressions, she giggled and laughted at funny weird parts, she asked questions, and shared what she read with us. If she was reading with a flat voice and never uttered a comment while reading, I think I would have worried.

I suppose DD fits Hyperlexia 3. She is not the easiest child to raise but I wouldn't want her any other way. smile