Thank you everybody for answering.

Our psychologist (the one who diagnosed him with PDD-NOS in the past) is licensed as a homeschool test administator and at the end of the year he gave him an above-grade Iowa-CogAT combo test, normed for the end of grade 2, when my son just finished the first grade. The above-grade test was to avoid hitting a ceiling. This is something he does a lot for all of his PDD-NOS patients as he doesn't trust the school academic assessments. We just got the results:

Well, here are his Iowa:
Vocabulary - 92%ile (3.6 grade equivalent)
Reading comprehension - 96%ile (3.7)
Spelling - 99%ile (4.5)
Math concepts - 99%ile (4.2)
Math problems - 97%ile (3.8)
Math computations - 99%ile (3.4)

But his CogAT isn't nearly as strong:
Verbal - 62%ile
Quantitative - 86%ile
Nonverbal - 92%ile
Composite - 86%ile

The test is above-grade, so I am not sure how much this contributed to the results, but it is obvious that his fluid intelligence isn't as strong as crystallized. His "predicted national percentile rank" was in the 70%ile based on Cogat, when his actual are all in the 95+%ile. Is this his PDD coming through like that - not being enough abstract and being too literal? Or his high achievement scores are "just" his hyperlexia, when his Cogat scores represent his actual intelligence?

My daughter's Cogat scores are in some cases several standard deviations below her WISC-V subscores, so I am not sure how much I trust it. But I see a lot of gifted kids here do really well on it, so I just don't know.