Originally Posted by spaghetti
Right. What staff will do is in supplemental services which is just as binding as the IEP objectives. The one you quoted sounds pretty good. But, you might even have section in there for frequency of the supplemental service and can insist it be monthly, or weekly, or front loaded for the introduction of new software. And ask how you will know it's done since there won't be data collected on it. If they don't have a way, then ask that it be captured in the IEP objectives.

If they are making your son figure it out, and it isn't working, he isn't going to meet the objective. Which is why you need that data to be recorded for each objective. And if he isn't making good progress, then you call an IEP meeting.

What is written in parental input is simply to show they listened to the parent. It has no impact on the IEP. Often a parent that won't let go of an idea will be told that it will be noted and then move on. So, all that shows is listening and recording. It means squat. Ask that those issues be addressed in the IEP objectives.

They may push back a little, but you are a member of the team and they will put it in there because it makes sense to be in there. Just keep asking, "how will you address this in his objectives?" If it's about progress HE will make, it can be an objective. Unless they don't intend to do it. Then they will try to put it some place else.

Your advice has been invaluable. I can not thank you enough. Know that there is special place in heaven (if you believe in that) or good Karma or just know that you put a kid who can't write on the right path to being independent! Thank you!