So mark that one off your guilt list
Oh, I don't think I'm ready for that yet (clutches list tightly to bosom). I'm quite attached to my list. Isn't nurturing it my sacred motherly duty?

I've emailed the Principal to ask about a meeting with the Guidance Officer and teacher to see if anyone has anything useful to add. And to reinforce that we'd like to be taken seriously.

Dazed, that's such a sad story and must be churning you up. Is there anything you can do about it? This level of distress really shouldn't be part of childhood - how does it keep happening? It's one of those nights - I'd like to hug sad children everywhere.

So today, after another episode yesterday evening and one this morning, we've been blessed with an upset tummy (DS4) and a rash of a rather personal nature (DS6 tomorrow). I've actually started to giggle, albeit slightly hysterically.

And of course sooner or later it will all get sorted out. I'll cross my fingers for sooner, and give my thanks again for all your support & advice.

Peaceful evening wishes.