OH BKD, I'm in the same situation. I can't question too much b/c I don't want to implant ideas that are not his own. Sometimes I'll happen upon a book with a character facing a similar problem and I can ask "Have you ever felt that way?" I recall one morning which prompted my search for a psych when DS was standing in the door way on the way to the bus stop blubbering, crying, stamping his feet saying "I just can't go to school today. I'm so sick of never learning anything and it's so boring all day long." He was really out of control. I kept him home. I just couldn't send him in that state. I think after that something broke in him, he went to school but had stomach aches every day. Now he's had stomachache this summer when he's had to get up early to go to track practice so I do think his stress-button lies in his stomach, as it does mine, but I"m not sure that having the stomachache a few times this summer negates having it EVERYday, never on a weekend, and never during school when there was a school trip to a science museum. He is also more emotional, prone to outbursts, can't handle simple things like his LEGO creation falling apart etc during school. His emotions are very near the surface during the school year.