This has started since the second semester of school began a few weeks ago (southern hemisphere). He was fabulous at home over the two-week holidays, then this change.

I think it definitely has to do with school, at least from the information that you have given us.

The one thing that I can say about my son is that the beginning of the year is always great. New teachers, new classmates, new material, new expectations. He is always excited about school, wakes up early, and dashes out the door. That is in August for us, USA mid-western kids. By November, the grumbling begins. He is slow to get going in the morning. His enthusiasm for school begins to tank. In kindergarten and first grade (both miserable years), he would complain of being too sick to go to school. I think he just reaches a limit on how bored he can be. He always recovers a bit over December's Christmas break. Then January to May is really hard. Last year he was grade accelerated after the Christmas break and that helped until at least April, when I started to see the same issues creeping up again (although on a much, much smaller scale)

You might be experiencing the same thing. I know that you posted that your son had the WPPSI-III recently, but I've missed what the school is thinking about doing for your son. Are they open to providing him with either grade acceleration or a gifted program?

Mom to DS12 and DD3