Thanks all so much for your comments. As is often the case, just knowing other people have had similar issues helps a lot (without wanting to seem as though rejoicing in other's misery!).

We're piling on the love (team hugs make us all feel better) though hasn't stopped repeats of behaviour yet. And we're certainly aware of the need to keep the food up - poor darling's a chip off the old maternal block.

Just tonight we've had the first quiet statement from him that being in Grade 1 would be better. I'm leaning towards a mis-match with friends as being one of the issues - he shared some playground upset stories tonight too, but then finished with "but what can I do about it? They're my friends." So yes, control too as a problem.

I'm not sure the teacher would be much help re spotting problems, so will try to increase my time in class - I prefer my own chances of noticing when he's behaving atypically. The problem for me in class is getting the opportunity to watch my boy - apparently it's customary to mob visiting parents & siblings - it's the only time in my life I've felt like a pop star and I don't think I'd be on for too much of it. Sweet and all, but I tend to want to run outside yelling "Personal Space!"

Oh how I hope we get through the worst of it quickly - even gin and chocolate can't do much at times like this. Those of you who've (mostly) passed through it give me hope, so thanks again.
