Originally Posted by Skepchick
Oh! Meant to say---glad things have gotten better, but when? When did they get better for you all? Just curious.
Things are still in the process of getting better, because it's not all behind us. But we've made a great deal of progress in the last year and food is much less of an issue now than it used to be for DS6. That said, we still have some other challenges that bring me to tears from time to time (and I have posted about it on this forum!). And it goes in waves - we'll have a few weeks of "easy street" and then the drama rears its ugly head again. crazy

About the food: Have you thought of slowing down your efforts? Is there a reason why he must eat tofu? Are you vegetarians? Because otherwise, you might want to wait and come back to it. It's quite an acquired taste, and you could perhaps wait a while. From what I understand, kids' taste buds do take some time to develop so you could come back to some of the more challenging foods later. And we're always told that you don't want your kids to develop an unhealthy relationship with foods.

And also, it sounds like there's a very broad spectrum - from tofu to watermelon gummies and Wendy's kids' meals. Maybe if you tried to slowly phase out some of the more sugary/junky foods, his palate would adapt to a different range of foods? This is in no way intended to be a criticism (hey, our kids get M&Ms and such), I'm just wondering if it would affect his overall eating habits.

In any case, good luck!