Originally Posted by AAC

do you think that problems with young kids in Montessori settings are often as easily recognized as your son's incompatibility?

That's sort of what I'd really like to figure out... are incompatibilities always pretty stark? or are they sometimes much more subtle?


I think problems with young kids are in general are more easily spotted if the child is less compliant. Shortly after we took our son out, we ran into a mother whose daughter was in the same room. She was so interested in how we were able to extract ourselves. She didn't feel that her daughter was happy in that environment but the father liked the academic aspect and paid all the tuition upfront. The daughter is a quite and sweet little girl, and not a behavioral problem at all. They would have lost all of their money were they to withdraw her even though they felt that she was not too happy. In our case, the school did not think we were a good fit either so they were eager to let us off of the hook as well.

I am not sure your case is as dire as mine was. Your child seems to be happy enough. Also the Montessori primary room is for 3 to 5 years old. The 2's room is really not part of the original school plan. They mostly do practical life tasks to get them independent. And that is really important too. I have to say though that the 2s rooms all seemed to quiet for my taste in the schools I visited. I am not sure I like Montessori for 2 year olds.