One of the core tenets of the Montessori method is the mixed age classroom. There is no such thing as a "curriculum for 2 yo". The kids from about 2.5 up to K age should be in a classroom together, the younger kids learning from watching the older ones. If there is no age mixing, it has very little to do with Montessori, even if they do use the materials.
It is true that montessori does not usually bother with identifying giftedness, simply because the idea is that all kids are working at their own pace anyway, though they do tend to run into problems with the speed gifted kids work through concepts and appear to "skip" developmental stages, and if a kid is ready for the 6-9 age classroom stuff even though they're still four, there is not much they can do except lug around materials for a while and when that makes no sense any more, let the kid skip, just like regular schools.

Montessori is in many ways the most rigid and inflexible method around - the prepared environment, the one and only way to use materials, the sequence of works - for the method to work for gifted kids, you need the built In flexibility of the mixed age classroom and the individual pacing. The constraints of the age based classroom destroy most advantages the method might have had.

Leave her in as long as she has fun. If you realize she starts getting frustrated, it's probably time to look for alternatives.

Last edited by Tigerle; 05/13/16 05:01 AM.