Originally Posted by Maladroit
I was more hoping for support

I can't offer any advice on accident prevention because our DS6 and DS4 are both extremely cautious (too much so), so I have no tips or tricks for you.

But I can offer sympathy, because I often get looks or comments from strangers because of DS6's emotional intensity. Much like your DS, conventional parenting doesn't work terribly well with him. We've worked with a parenting coach and have read up and sought help in various other ways. And we've learned to accept that we're going to get looks and comments, and people will think he's an ill-behaved child. But ultimately, we need to do what's best for him (and for us) and not worry what other people think. If they comment when he's not around, I usually just say that "regular parenting" doesn't work with him, but that he's making progress and we're proud of him. Actually, you may want to throw out something like "Don't worry, he gets more fun out of an afternoon than some kids get in a month!". You should make it clear that you have no reason to have to be on the defensive - these kids get PLENTY out of life!

And you know, we do sometimes lose perspective when we're faced with unusual children. So if anyone on this board is offering advice, it might be useful to pay attention to it even if it's hard to swallow. I'm guessing that they are responding because they want to help, not criticize.

I know it can be mentally exhausting. Good luck! smile