You should be aware that CCSS Math Standards can be (mis)interpreted in such a way so as to discourage ANY acceleration (or anything remotely resembling acceleration) before 7th grade. We have, unfortunately, experienced this first hand. I do NOT believe that this is a correct interpretation of CCSS math. The impact of this unfortunate interpretation is that HG+ students could go YEARS without learning anything new.

I think that after a great deal of persistent advocacy, our schools have SLIGHTLY softened this interpretation. Some damage was already done, unfortunately.

My DS recently took an end of grade test. The plan is to fill any gaps and then move on to material from the next grade. I don't expect that will take any time at all - in fact, judging by how things have been going, I highly doubt that they will find any significant gaps. My goal is simply that he continue learning at a pace that is appropriate for him.

Best of luck!