Originally Posted by Loy58
Does your school have iPads? There is an adaptive math program called Front Row that DS7's teacher is using. I believe that it has a free version. It is Common Core aligned. DS likes it (DD did not), but he is blowing through multiple grade levels so I am not sure how long it will help.

I don't think the school has iPads for the younger kids. However, they do have one or two computers in each classroom. My older DS (in third grade) does use Front Row for his class so I think the school does have that program.

When my DS6 was in the Kindergarten last year, they were able to give him access to this one program (I can't remember what that was) that is basically a computer game for math. He loved it and would not want to get off of it. The teacher would give him more time to be on it to reward his good behavior :-). However, although it is the same school district but our k and 1-3 are two separate schools so not sure if the current school would be willing to do something like this for him.

Thanks for your advice and I will keep you posted :=)